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Health and Safety Plan Summary

Initial Effective Date: July 6, 2020
Date of Last Review & Revision: August 5, 2024

  1. How will the LEA, to the greatest extent practicable, support prevention and mitigation policies in line with the most up-to-date guidance from the CDC for the reopening and operation of school facilities in order to continuously and safely open and operate schools for in-person learning?As a cyber charter school, daily operational procedures for instruction and support of students provided by teachers, specialists, family coaches, etc. are virtual. The following health and safety plan is designed to address only the reopening of the school’s main office and the provision of in-person related services. Senior leadership of the school continually researches and reviews information from the Pennsylvania Department of Health, Pennsylvania Department of Education and the CDC for guidelines and when necessary, modifies its health and safety plan.
  2. How will the LEA ensure continuity of services, including but not limited to services to address the students’ academic needs, and students’ and staff members’ social, emotional, mental health, and other needs, which may include student health and food services?As a cyber charter school, daily operational procedures for instruction and support of students provided by teachers, specialists, family coaches, etc. are virtual. Therefore, the continuity of services is uninterrupted from the regular educational experience of our learners. Agora is a trauma-informed school, we have a robust Student Assistance Program (SAP), team of state-certified school counselors, certified school nurses, social workers, and the unique position of family coach, who all create a safety net for each learner in addition to incorporating social emotional learning strategies to serve students and support their emotional and mental health needs.
  3. Use the table below to explain how the LEA will maintain the health and safety of students, educators, and other staff and the extent to which it has adopted policies, and a description of any such policy on each of the following safety recommendations established by the CDC.
ARP ESSER Requirement Strategies, Policies, and Procedures
a. Universal and correct wearing of masks; Central Office Protocols:School leadership continues to monitor the situation and follow CDC guidelines and reserves the right to reinstitute the requirement of wearing masks in common areas and/or away from one’s cubicle or office when deemed necessary.

In-person Related Services Protocols:

Protocols for students with disabilities will be addressed on a case-by-case basis and appropriate accommodations will be considered to fully support their safety and learning to the extent consistent with this Health and Safety Plan and applicable laws and applicable health and safety guidelines. Whenever feasible and appropriate, during the entirety of the session, the student, any family member who may be in the room, and the provider is encouraged to wear a mask or face shield. In situations where transportation services are needed, the student is encouraged to wear a mask or face shield while in the vehicle.

In-person Event Protocols:

When staff and/or students are at in-person events, such as but not limited to state testing, in-service, and ADOs, the current CDC guidelines will be followed at the time of the event.

b. Modifying facilities to allow for physical
distancing (e.g., use of cohorts/podding);
Central Office Protocols:

Office staff are now remote employees. However, whenever staff are required and/or expected to work in the office, consideration will be given to ensure physical distancing. Any meetings that are needed in the office must be approved by CEO or designee.

In-person Related Services Protocols:

When an IEP Team determines that in-person services may take place, to the maximum extent possible, the service provider and the student will socially distance and follow CDC guidelines on social distancing which is consistent with applicable state and federal laws and applicable health and safety guidelines. Contracted services should follow the health and safety guidelines of their employer, unless their plan conflicts with Agora’s, at which time the school should be consulted.

In-person Event Protocols:

When staff and/or students are at inperson events, such as but not limited to state testing, in-service, and ADOs, every effort should be made to allow for adequate physical distancing.

c. Handwashing and respiratory etiquette; Central Office Protocols:

When staff are in the main office, they are encouraged to continue to follow CDC guidelines as it relates to frequency of handwashing. Six (6) hand sanitizer stations are located throughout the building to encourage hand hygiene.

In-person Related Services Protocols:

Service provider will follow any applicable CDC guidelines as it relates to wiping down learning space area with disinfectant wipes. Upon completion of session, the service provider and student should make sure to wash their hands. This is also applicable for any persons conducting special education evaluations.

In-Person Event Protocols:

When staff and/or students are at inperson events, such as but not limited to state testing, in-service, and ADOs, hand sanitizers will be available and staff and students should be encouraged to wash their hands based on CDC guidelines.

d. Cleaning and maintaining healthy facilities, including improving ventilation; Central Office Protocols:

The office will work with landlord to have air filters changed on frequent basis and ensure ventilation system is at operating speed and continue running over the weekend.

In-Person Related Service Protocols:

Staff or independent contractors providing in-person service will work with the family to provide space, when feasible, in the home or outside, which is open with good ventilation.

In-Person Event Protocols:

When staff and/or students are at inperson events, such as but not limited to state testing, in-service, and ADOs, to the extent it is possible, the school will work to ensure locations have good ventilation. Also, prior to the start of events, effort will be made to appropriately disinfectant surfaces.

e. Contact tracing in combination with isolation and quarantine, in collaboration with the State and local health departments; Central Office Protocols:

If a staff person who works in the office tests positive for COVID-19, he/she/they may be asked to work from home until test negative or will be required to wear a mask as per CDC guidelines current at the time of the event.

In-person Related Services Protocols:

If the student, family member, or provider shows symptoms and/or history of exposure to COVID-19, in-person services are not to take place among those individuals for a period of time, as determined by the current CDC guidelines. Alternative plans for the provision of services will be considered by the IEP Team on a case-by-case basis. If the student or family member is confirmed to have COVID-19, before in-person services resume, they must complete the CDC recommended isolation period and be symptom free and follow CDC mask guidelines associated with those ending isolation. No provider shall be permitted to provide any in-person services if they are confirmed to have COVID-19. Decisions with regard to the services shall be made on an individual basis by the IEP Team consistent with this Health and Safety Plan and CDC guidelines. February 2024 Revised Version Page 5 of 8 ARP ESSER Requirement Strategies, Policies, and Procedures In the event that in-person services must be temporarily rescheduled, the service provider will provide communication by phone and email to the family and they must also notify the school. Decisions with regard to in-person services shall be made on an individual basis by the IEP Team consistent with applicable laws and health and safety guidelines.

In-Person Event Protocols:

When staff and/or students are at inperson events, such as but not limited to state testing, in-service, and ADOs, if a person tests positive for COVID the week before they are scheduled to attend the event, they should follow current CDC guidelines before planning to attend. If applicable and needed, parents should contact school personnel to reschedule testing once student is no longer showing symptoms and any recommended isolation period is complete. If a faculty member tests positive, they should take PTO for any recommended period of time established by the current CDC guidelines, and then wear a mask at the event for the time recommended by current CDC guidelines.

f. Diagnostic and screening testing; Central Office Protocols:

All staff who come into the office to complete work will be required to selfmonitor for symptoms of COVID-19.

In-person Related Services Protocols:

Student, any family members, and related service provider should self-monitor for symptoms of COVID-19 before each new session. If they show symptoms, they should follow current CDC guidelines, which may include isolation and/or wearing a mask for a designated period of time.

In-Person Event Protocols:

When staff and/or students are at inperson events, such as but not limited to state testing, in-service, and ADOs, they February 2024 Revised Version Page 6 of 8 ARP ESSER Requirement Strategies, Policies, and Procedures should self-monitor for symptoms of COVID-19 before the scheduled event. If a staff person shows symptoms, they should get tested and if they are positive, let the site coordinator know immediately. The staff person should not attend the event until they have met the current CDC guidelines for isolation. If a student shows symptoms, they should get tested and if they are positive, let the site coordinator know immediately. The student should not attend the event until they have met the current CDC guidelines.

g. Efforts to provide vaccinations to school communities; All School Personnel:

School leadership partnered with the Montgomery County Intermediate Unit and the Pennsylvania Department of Education, and the Pennsylvania COVID19 Vaccine Joint Task Force to ensure all staff that wanted the vaccination had the opportunity to receive it in March/April 2021. Nursing staff has been providing community health resources to families to encourage and assist in the vaccination effort.

h. Appropriate accommodations for students with disabilities with respect to health and safety policies; and In-person Related Services Protocols:

The IEP Team shall determine how to address the needs of those special education students at higher risk of COVID-19 and shall take into consideration services can be provided in-person or virtually. Protocols for students with disabilities will be addressed on a case-by-case basis and appropriate accommodations will be considered to fully support their safety and learning to the extent consistent with this Health and Safety Plan and applicable laws and applicable health and safety guidelines. Whenever feasible and appropriate, during the entirety of the session, the student, any family member who may be in the room, and the provider February 2024 Revised Version Page 7 of 8 ARP ESSER Requirement Strategies, Policies, and Procedures will need to wear a mask or face shield. For those who need transportation services, they will need to wear a mask while in the vehicle. For many of our students, all instructional delivery and services are able to be provided virtually. Protocols for students with disabilities will be addressed on a case-by-case basis and appropriate accommodations will be considered to fully support their safety and learning to the extent consistent with this Health and Safety Plan and applicable laws and applicable health and safety guidelines.

i. Coordination with state and local health officials. CEO reviews all correspondence with the Pennsylvania Department of Education and Pennsylvania Department of Health and implements protocols aligned to guidelines and that are applicable to a virtual school setting. The School also worked in coordination with state officials in getting all staff that wanted the vaccination scheduled in March/April 2021 timeframe.