The elementary program is grounded in the belief that all students can reach their potential and thrive in a cyber environment through solid partnership between parents/Learning Coaches and staff. Each day, students log in to dynamic, live classroom sessions, as they work with their teacher and peers to master grade-level standards.
Your elementary student can chart a new course with a program that is designed for them!
At each grade level, students are exposed to the following four content areas: English language arts, math, history and science. In addition to core content courses, students will experience keyboarding, health/PE and time dedicated to small-group support. Through small-group support, Agora teachers develop personalized lessons that meet identified areas of growth for the students they support. Agora students play an active role in their learning. They use live and offline instruction to follow a rigorous curriculum. Students work closely with a team of core content teachers and Family Coaches to set and achieve learning goals.
Students in kindergarten through grade 2 will be with one teacher for each core subject. However, in grades 3 to 5, students will work with a team of teachers who each teach a specific core subject. Agora elementary teachers use their talents to develop and execute engaging, academically challenging lessons to meet the diverse needs of the learners in the classroom. Agora teachers and staff work alongside students and Learning Coaches to develop warm, caring learning environments where students can take academic risks in a safe space. Teachers and students work to create a classroom community where students engage through the use of webcams, microphones, chat and whiteboard tools. It is our goal each day to help students achieve their highest potential.

Teachers work diligently to build relationships with not only students but also Learning Coaches and families. Teachers use a variety of communication platforms to develop these relationships, such as conference calls, virtual meetings, email communications, and classroom newsletters.

Throughout the years, Agora has continued to refine the way we enrich our highest level of learners. Most recently, we developed the Advanced Learner Program and founded a new branch of the National Elementary Honor Society.
Meet Our Elementary School Staff

Jansen Hornbake

Kristie Hawk

James Montgomery


Michelle Cukauskas

Maryann Johnson
All newly enrolled elementary school families begin school by attending a comprehensive online Elementary School Orientation Program.
The program is designed to ease families into the online learning model and equip students with the skills and technical proficiency needed to successfully complete online courses.
The Learning Coach is expected to sit with the youngest student during all live sessions to monitor, assist and check for comprehension. Each live session includes direct instruction, real- time interaction and skill-building opportunities. Following live sessions, students are instructed to complete online and/or offline assignments to strengthen their understanding and demonstrate mastery of daily learning objectives.
Instructional Model
Agora’s instructional model provides opportunities for students to master core academic content, think critically, solve complex problems, work collaboratively, communicate effectively and engage in learning opportunities that prepare them for life after high school.
Through real-time live instruction, students participate in a rigorous Pennsylvania standards-aligned education, with the support of their parents/guardians, teachers, Family Coaches, interventionists and support staff. Students work to achieve their potential through actively engaging in challenging learning communities that promote consistency, relevance and persistence. Agora is committed to a Multitiered System of Support, where individual students receive interventions, academic support, tutoring, acceleration and enrichment to meet their individual needs and enhance their academic growth.
Agora takes seriously our charge to educate the whole child. The instructional model also includes social-emotional learning and cultivation of 21st-century skills that help to prepare students for college or careers upon successful completion of high school. Students have the support of guidance counselors, school nurses, social workers and related services for their nonacademic needs. Agora Cyber Charter School is a certified Trauma-Informed School.
Agora believes that strong communication and collaboration with parents/guardians is vital for student success. The parent engagement team helps to bridge the communication between school and home in support of each child’s education.
Multitiered System of Support (MTSS)
Agora is committed to a Multitiered System of Support, where individual students receive interventions, academic support, tutoring, acceleration and enrichment to meet their needs and enhance their academic growth.
Agora’s MTSS is a standards-aligned comprehensive school improvement framework for enhancing academic, behavioral and social-emotional outcomes for all students.
Key components of MTSS for student success:
- All students receive high-quality curriculum, instruction and assessment in the general education classroom.
- The school conducts universal screenings that review the performance and progress of all students through brief assessments in key areas of literacy and math.
- Consistent and reliable progress monitoring allows teachers to take a snapshot of how children are doing on specific skills between the set assessment.