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Agora is excited to announce the inaugural season for the Agora Eagles, an eSports team comprised of ten Agora students and two coaches. eSports are video games that are played in a highly organized competitive environment which includes both an individual and team format. Coach Christine Thomas and coach Steve Calabro worked with the students to get them ready for competition in a season which began in November 2020 and ended in May. Team members were expected to attend practices which included lessons on the importance of balance and good sportsmanship, and the team even developed a team motto, “Show Respect, Expect Respect!”

Competing through the Stride eSports League, the Eagles were represented by a student from each high school grade level. The students competed in Fortnite, Rocket League and League of Legends, and each team had a designated night to play their match throughout the spring season. Each team member worked very hard at their craft and Agora is beyond proud of their commitment and how they represented the school.

In one case, Agora’s League of Legends single player was able to compete with a team comprised of virtual students from other East Coast schools, sticking with the team until the coaches found a way for him to play. The creation and maintenance of the eSports League is a perfect application of Agora’s mission statement: “extraordinary results require extraordinary efforts!”

As the team and league continue to grow, please keep a look out for future live streams to watch and cheer the Agora Eagles on!